Hawai’i CC Palamanui Offers Degree Preparation Workshop
A Degree Preparation Workshop hosted by the University Center, West Hawai’i at Palamanui is scheduled to take place on Thursday, Feb. 18 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
The workshop will take place on the campus of Hawai’i Community College – Palamanui.
West Hawai’i students interested in learning how they can use the University Center as a gateway to take programs offered at other UH campuses while they continue to live in West Hawai’i should attend the informational meeting.
Over 40 bachelor’s, graduate degrees, and certificate programs are offered through the University of Hawai’i at Hilo, University of Hawa’i, and UH-West Oahu campuses.
Students can learn through various class formats, including online anytime, site-to-site real-time video conferencing, and face-to-face participation while using resources from the Hawai’i CC – Palamanui campus resources.
The workshop will provide students the opportunity to learn about degree offerings, how to enroll, and deadlines, along with methods of program delivery.
Those interested in attending should contact Carrie Kuwada Phipps, Educational Specialist, at carriekp@hawaii.edu or 969-8808.