Miloli‘i and Honomalino Bay Areas Closed Due to Dengue Outbreak

An Aedes aegypti mosquito is pictured here. The mosquito is one of two in Hawai’i known to spread the dengue virus. Hawai’i Department of Health photo.
Due to the dengue fever outbreak at Miloli‘i, the Department of Land and Natural Resources has closed to the public all state unencumbered lands in the immediate vicinity of Miloli‘i village and Honomalino Bay.
These include the parcels designated by Tax Map Key numbers: (3) 8-9-003:001 and (3) 8-9-004:007.
The DLNR is recommending the closure of this area to all but essential personnel and residents of the areas.
This closure follows Hawai‘i County’s closure of Miloli‘i Beach Park until further notice so crews led by Hawai‘i County Civil Defense can conduct mosquito control and pesticide treatments.
State and county experts are now calling Miloli‘i a hot spot in the dengue fever outbreak on the Big Island.
The latest number of confirmed dengue fever cases on the Big Island has risen to 180 as of Thursday afternoon, Dec. 24, 1015, including 162 Big Island residents and 18 visitors.
Entry into closed lands is a violation of Hawai‘i Administrative Rule Sec. 13-221-4 and Hawai‘i Revised Statute 171-6, and is subject to a penalty of up to $5,000 for the first offense.
Signs will be posted at various access points warning people of the hazardous conditions.