DCCA: Annual Business Reports Due
Businesses are being reminded by the state Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs’ Business Registration Division to file their annual business renewal reports.
The reports, which are available online, are due in the fourth quarter from October to December. Business owners have until Dec. 31 at midnight to submit their forms with payment through eHawaii.gov subscriber accounts.
Hawai’i annual business renewals can be filed at any time during the quarter that the annual filing is due.
Those whose renewal was due in a previous quarter can sumbit their filing online with a $10 late fee. Late filings that are over a year old will be assessed a late fee of $10 per year.
To learn more about business renewal filing or to learn answers to filing-related questions, visit the business registrations website, e-mail BREG@dcca.hawaii.gov, or call (808) 586-2727.