Showers to Increase in Windward Areas
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High temperatures today will be between 84° to 86° island wide. Windward areas should be feeling light trade winds expected to be up to 10 mph. Mostly cloudy skies with a high chance of showers is forecast for East Hawai’i. For leeward areas and Ka’u, we expect a mostly sunny morning and afternoon clouds with scattered showers. Hazy skies are also in the forecast for the western part of the island.
Mostly cloudy skies are expected tonight with scattered showers for windward areas. Leeward areas should see partly cloudy skies with scattered showers and trade winds up to 10 mph. Low temperatures will range from 69° to 76°.
**Click directly on the images below to make them larger. Charts include: Big Island high/low forecasted temperatures, projected winds, chance of cloud cover, projected localized weather conditions, vog/SO2 forecast and expected wave heights.**