HAASome Family Day to Benefit Students
Hawai’i Academy of Arts and Science is gearing up for its “HAASome Family Day,” slated to be held Saturday, May 16.
The day will kickoff at 6:30 a.m. with a “HAASome Run” that will include a 5k and 10k. The course will take a scenic route around Green Lake in Kapoho. Green Lake is only one of two freshwater lakes on the Big Island and is surrounded by lush rainforest. The path of the 5 and 10k will circle the more than 400-year-old lake.
A keiki run, part of the “HAASome Run,” will take place later in the day on the campus of HAAS.
From 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. the school will host its “HAASome Family Day” events, which include entertainment, a bouncy house, and water slide, in addition to a silent auction, art sales, face painting, food booths, keiki carnival games, a table-top golf course, and arts and craft booths.
Families can purchase all-day passes for the bouncy house and water slide for $5.
Those interested in participating in the “HAASome Fun Run” can print out and mail in a registration form, which can found online. Complete online registration is also available with an added fee. Pre-registration is $5 for students and $10 for adults. Late registration is $10 for students and $15 for adults. Entry fees are non-refundable.
The event will benefit the students of HAAS Public Charter School.
For additional information, visit the HAAS InDigital website or contact Amanda at 640-8077 or by e-mail at haasindigital@gmail.com