Army Earth Day Event Planned at PTA
The United States Army will host an Earth Day Celebration on April 22 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Pohakuloa Training Area. At the event, the Army’s local stewardship efforts to care for natural and cultural resources will be highlighted.
Event attendees can visit 15 different interactive displays and games that focus on the management of threatened and endangered species. Visitors may also go on garden tours, with the opportunity to view some of the unique plants managed at PTA, like the spiny popolo, one of Hawai’i’s few spiked native plants. A series of talks on biology and natural ecology at Pohakuloa will be presented.
Among other activities at the event, the Army’s Pohakuloa Cultural Resources team will have a variety of displays showcasing the Army’s efforts to manage and preserve cultural resources. A virtual interactive tour of a lava tube will be available. Visitors will have the opportunity to go on archaeologists’ cave equipment, and keiki can become archaeologists-in-training with a mock dig activity.
Army Fire and Emergency Services will be onsite with fire equipment, vehicles, and a hands-on exhibit focusing on wild land fire prevention and suppression.
The event is open to the public. Visitors will be required to show their current photo identification at the main gate. Drivers must have a current license, registration, safety inspection and proof of insurance.
Groups of 10 or more or individuals requesting special accommodations should call 969-2403.