Solid Swell Expected Next Week
A Small Craft Advisory is posted for the Alenuihaha channel and Big Island leeward and southeast waters through 6:00 a.m. Saturday for east winds up to to 25 knots and rough seas up to 10 feet. Inexperienced mariners should avoid navigating in these conditions.
**Click directly on the images below to make them larger. Charts include: Big Island projected winds, tides, swell direction & period and expected wave heights.**
Hilo side: Messy waist to chest high trade swell waves are expected today. Our NNW swell should bring ankle to knee high waves.
Kona side: Wave heights of knee to waist high are expected. The best breaks could be a bit bigger at the best tides on the sets.
South: Wave heights of knee to waist high are expected. Messy trade swell is expected for the southeast coast up to waist or even chest high.
Our current northwest swell is expected to linger and begin to fade through the weekend. A small bump out of the north-northwest is also expected to slowly build Sunday and peak Monday before fading Tuesday. Late next week a solid swell is expected.
Trade swell is expected to hold for the Hilo side through Saturday. Conditions will be sloppy due to the onshore flow.
Our current small south-southwest is slowly fading through the weekend. A very small south-southwest is expected to build and peak late Sunday. Otherwise, nothing much on the horizon out of the South Pacific.
Keep in mind, surf heights are measured on the face of the wave from trough to crest. Heights vary from beach to beach, and at the same beach, from break to break.