
Junior Achievement Students Honored

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Junior Achievement of Hawai’i Island announced Monday that it honored 56 young entrepreneurs and awarded $3,000 in scholarships at its 35th Annual “Futures Unlimited” Awards Banquet in late January. The awards gave recognition to students and advisors from local businesses for their hard work.

Through Junior Achievement, high school students develop leadership and entrepreneurship skills as they are guided through creating small businesses. Student learn everything from product development to marketing and sales.

Student-run companies participating in this year’s Junior Achievement cycle include Aloha Flare, sponsored by Bank of Hawai’i; Aloha Supplied, sponsored by HPM Building Supply; and A.L.O.H.A. sponsored by Big Island Toyota. Products created by each company were sold to family, friends, and the public during a trade fair held in late November of last year.

In addition to creating, producing, and selling products, Junior Achievement sponsoring businesses installed the value of community service. Companies visited the elderly and veterans, sorted and packed Christmas gifts for disadvantaged children, sold wristbands to raise funds for charity, and donated products to worthy causes.


Named company of the year, Aloha Supplied also gained recognition for achieving the highest number of company sales at $7,489. Aloha Supplied also had the most compelling presence at the trade fair. Meagan Kuali’i, the company’s president, was awarded Outstanding President.

The Outstanding Vice President awards were given to A.L.O.H.A. company vice presidents Ciera Luna and Nowell MataBishop.

Students from Aloha Supplied, Kenneth Kitahata, Eve Paguirigan, and Jason Alonzo-Estrada, also received Outstanding Vice President awards.


Top Salespeople of the Year awards were given to Brittney Williams of A.L.O.H.A. who sold $1,340 worth of product, Meagan Kuali’i of Aloha Supplied with $848 in sales, and Jaysha Alonzo Estrada of Aloha Supplied, who raised $752.

Outstanding Sales Presentation was given to Ruby Galapon of Aloha Supplied, while Brittney Williams of A.L.O.H.A. was recognized for most products sold at the trade fair. Kilar Fujimoto was also recognized for the highest sales at the trade fair.

Five seniors were awarded $3,000 in scholarships for their achievement in the program, in addition to other aspects of scholastic life. The students awarded were Jaysha Alonzo-Estrada of Aloha Supplied, Forest Bardwelll-Jones of Aloha Flare, Ariel Gomes-Cuba of A.L.O.H.A., Meagan Kuali’i of Aloha Supplied, and Dayton Towata of Aloha Flare


“We congratulate all of our students for their involvement with JA,” said Sharon Scheele, president of the Junior Achievement of Hawai‘i Island board. “We also thank and commend the advisors for putting in countless hours to provide each student with direction and opportunities for leadership, creativity and productivity.”

Those interested in getting Junior Achievement in their K-12 classroom, or to get involved as a volunteer or sponsor, should contact District Manager Susan Labrenz at (808) 966-8450 or

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