You’re the Bee’s Knees
Back in the day, telling someone they were the “bee’s knees” was akin to saying they were super-awesome.
On Friday, Jan. 25 at 6 p.m., join other super-awesome folk as they learn about the amazing honey bee and its plight.
A showing of the movie “Queen of the Sun: What are the Bees Telling Us,” will introduce attendees to the challenges bees encounter, and the very serious ramifications humanity could experience without the little buggers.
This global bee crisis has potentially devastating consequences. Beekeepers, philosophers and scientists are all working to unravel the intricacies of the hive and how to achieve a more balanced world with urban sprawl overtaking open ground.
A panel of local beekeepers will also discuss the challenges they encounter with their hives and offer tastings of their honey.
Slow Food Hawai’i will be selling pupus featuring local honey as an ingredient. Honey and wax products will also be available for purchase.
Admission is free and the screening and panel discussion takes place at the Hawai`i Preparatory Academy’s Upper Campus in Waimea. For more information call 443-9231.