Governor Releases $91.9 Million for CIP Projects Statewide
Governor Neil Abercrombie announced on Friday the release of more than $91.9 million for various Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs) across the state.
Of the $91.9 million released statewide the Big Island will receive more than $13.9 million for various projects island wide.
The projects, which include housing, transportation, education related ventures, were selected for their potential to immediately address priority work while stimulating the local economy and generating job opportunities.
“Our strategy to stimulate job creation and reinvigorate our economy is working,” said Governor Neil Abercrombie. “Since the start of 2012, my administration has released more than $841.8 million for CIPs, including these newly released funds.”
The governor released CIP funds for the following Big Island projects:
· $2,000,000 for the design and construction to remodel the Pomaikai Senior Center facility, including roof replacement, exterior painting and the gutting of the interior space to install new kitchens, baths, and windows.
· $750,000 for the design for renovation of existing buildings at Lanakila Homes, a public housing complex in Hilo that was originally developed in 1962. Of the 148 units, 62 are boarded up and abandoned, and the project will renovate those 62 units to allow renting to qualifying families.
· $10,000,000 to various schools statewide for the design, construction, and required works of art as part of various electrical and telecommunications system improvements. Work will take place at Pahoa Elementary, Pahoa High and Intermediate, Mountain View Elementary, Keonepoko Elementary in Pahoa, Keaau Middle, and Naalehu Elementary Schools.
· $500,000 for Hawaii Community College, as part of their long-range development plan for construction of a new campus mauka of Komohana Street in Hilo.
· $25,000 for the UH-Hilo College of Agriculture, Forest and Natural Resource Management (CAFNRM), for the construction of the CAFNRM bee hive research facility and other upgrades to the apiary program.
· $500,000 for Hilo International Airport and Keahole International Airport in Kona for the design for improvements at the Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) Facility stations and planning for a future Regional ARFF training facility.
· $193,000 for an ICSD Anuenue Radio System, including the acquisition and installation of communications equipment and antennas for the digital microwave radio link between the Kaupulehu and Humuula radio sites to correct radio frequency interference.