Mālama Maunakea Volunteer Day
The Office of Maunakea Management (OMKM) will host a Mālama Maunakea volunteer day on Saturday, June 1, 2019.

To protect, preserve and enhance the natural and cultural resources of Maunakea, the Office of Maunakea Management’s Mālama Maunakea campaign connects community volunteers to help in resource management and stewardship of the Mauna Kea Science Reserve and mid-level support facilities at Halepōhaku. Since its launch in 2012, OMKM’s Mālama Maunakea has organized 56 separate weed pulls with nearly 1,500 community volunteers, over 10,000 volunteer hours, 2,300+ garbage bags of invasive weeds pulled and more than 300 native plants have been planted near Halepōhaku. Courtesy photo.
The Saturday volunteer weed pulls are part of OMKM’s Mālama Maunakea campaign to protect the resources on the mountain by helping to control fireweed (Senecio madagascariensis) and other invasive plant species around the Halepōhaku area on Maunakea at the 9,000′ elevation. The Mālama Maunakea weed pull also reduces habitat for invasive ants, prevents unwanted invasive species from being transported to the upper elevation areas of Maunakea, and prepares the area around Halepōhaku and the Visitor Information Station for future native plant restoration projects.
The volunteer day begins with a project orientation and acclimation to the elevation. After the orientation volunteers pull weeds around Halepōhaku. Lunch follows and an interesting lecture on the Maunakea resources completes this fulfilling day of stewardship on the mountain.
Transportation to and from Hilo and lunch for volunteers will be provided. Community members coming from other areas of Hawai‘i Island should contact OMKM to coordinate transportation.
Volunteers are encouraged to bring water, sunglasses, sunscreen, sun protection, light rain gear, warm clothing, hiking boots or good walking shoes. A long-sleeve shirt, long pants, sun-hat, and layers to protect from wind or wet and cool weather are recommended. Lunch, snacks, transportation, drinking water, gloves for pulling weeds and tools will be provided. Families are welcome but space is limited.
Space is limited, reservations are required. Email omkmvolunteers-grp@hawaii.edu or call (808) 933-3884 to sign up.