Local Food/Travel TV Episode to Feature Pre-Eruption Footage

Culinary Edge TV. PC: Averan Gale

Culinary Edge TV. PC: Averan Gale

Culinary Edge TV. PC: Averan Gale

Culinary Edge TV. PC: Averan Gale

Culinary Edge TV. PC: Averan Gale

Culinary Edge TV. PC: Averan Gale

Culinary Edge TV. PC: Averan Gale
Locally produced food and travel show, the Culinary Edge TV, will premiere a new episode featuring pre-eruption footage of many parts of the island that were covered by lava in the 2018 Kīlauea eruption, including video of Pohoiki.
“This episode is special because it combines great local food with a serious Big Island legend/food lover [Mike Stewart] and epic footage of locations that no longer exist in the same way,” said Chef Andrew Ellard Resignato. “And as always, the true richness and beauty of Hawai’i, both the people and nature, shine through.”
The 2018 eruption covered half of Pohoiki with lava, eliminating several treasured Big Island surf breaks.
“One of those breaks was ‘Dead Trees,’ which happened to be Mike’s favorite break on the Big Island,” said Chef Ellard. “My cameraperson, Averan Gale, shot some amazing footage of us riding waves at this unique break, above and under the water.”
The episode features Chef Ellard meeting the veteran bodyboarder and touring a local farm, the Double “D” Ranch in Laphoehoe.
“I think it’s really important for people to have a better connection to the food they eat, understanding where it comes from and understanding the whole the process of how it’s produced,” said Stewart.
The farmers, Darcy and JoAnna Nobriga, are utilizing Korean Natural Farming techniques to raise local hogs for pork.
“If more people eat local, more people will grow local,” said Darcy.
It is very hard to get pork that is raised and produced on the Big Island, or anywhere in Hawai’i .
“We need more meat that is produced locally, which is why I wanted to feature local family farmers who are working very hard to raise quality, local meat in a humane and environmentally positive way,” said Chef Ellard.
“I love that we have a lot of quality beef raised on the Big Island, but it is also important to develop local alternatives to beef,” he said. “Pork, lamb, goat or venison produce less greenhouse gases and require less environmental resources than beef. Plus it increases island food diversity.”
Double “D” Ranch also produces grass-fed lamb, beef and hearts of palm on the Big Island. They sell locally at the Maku‘u Farmer’s Market on Sundays in Pāhoa and at the Waimea Farmer’s Market at the Pukalani Stables, Wednesday and Saturday.
The episode also includes a Q&A with Stewart. He talks about some of the great meals he’s experienced all over the world and his favorite food locations.
“Mike is both knowledgeable and passionate about food,” said Chef Ellard. “That really comes across in the episode.”
The episode will Premiere on YouTube on Jan. 26 at 9 a.m. HST and at 2 p.m. EST and feature a Live Chat.
It will also be streaming on YouToo America Go on Roku, which recently picked up CETV for nationwide distribution.
“We’re happy to add the Culinary Edge TV to our lineup of food programming on our streaming platform Youtoo America Go,” said Kelly Kantz, vice president of programming at Youtoo America Network. “Chef Ellard is working hard to capture some really unique food adventures that I’m sure fans of quality food and travel will love.”
The Culinary Edge TV spotlights authentic food adventures combining food, culture, and travel to educate and entertain viewers. Documenting positive, regenerative, and unique food adventures is a main goal of the show. Many of the episodes feature the Big Island and CETV uses local music to set the mood. The new episode features tracks from local Puna artists Drew Daniels and Hope Medford (Nahko and Medicine for the People).