HLTA Seeks New President, CEO
The search is on for Hawai’i Lodging & Tourism Association’s new President and Chief Executive Officer.
Former President and CEO George Szigeti was appointed Monday as the new President and CEO of the Hawai’i Tourism Authority. His departure has left the seat of President and CEO at HLTA, a statewide organization that represents hotels, condominiums, timeshares and other lodging entities, open.
“George was extraordinary in his leadership of HLTA and we’re thrilled he will continue to be a champion for Hawai’i’s tourism industry in leading the Hawai’i Tourism Authority,” said Kelly Hoen, Chairperson of HLTA’s Board of Directors. “We are excited about finding a new leader for HLTA who has the drive and experience to keep moving our initiative forward in support of the hotel industry.”
HLTA is seeking a leader who fits four key goals that the board feels in necessary in leading the organization:
Advocate the needs of HLTA members with the federal, state, and county governments.
Provide education opportunities, timely information, and appropriate resources to HLTA members, legislatures, the news media, and community.
Provide a wide range of economic benefits and preferred services to HLTA members.
Support and contribute to a better quality of life and environment to the community and Hawai’i’s visitors.
A CEO selection committee, comprised of tourism and business leaders, will review applicants’ credentials and will interview between four and five finalists for the role.
Applicants have until June 1 to submit their notification of interest and resume through e-mail at makahale@hawaiilodging.org or by postage mail to: Malia Kahale, Administrative Assistant, Hawai’i Lodging & Tourism Association, 2270 Kalakaua Avenue, Suite 1506, Honolulu, Hawai’i 96815.