Big Island Coronavirus Updates

Local Testing For COVID-19 Possible as Early as Next Week

While there are no cases of COVID-19 identified in Hawai‘i at this time, state health officials do expect to eventually identify cases in the state because this is a global health threat.

DOH Shifts Gears in Fight to Protect Hawai‘i From COVID-19

The Hawai‘i Department of Health has shifted its focus on the state’s strategy to combating COVID-19 from containment to mitigation.

53 Self-Monitor for Coronavirus in Hawai‘i After Visiting Japanese Couple Tests Positive

One man remains in quarantine as Department of Health investigation continues.

Man Tests Positive for Coronavirus After Hawai‘i Visit

A Japanese man is being treated for the coronavirus after a recent trip to Hawai‘i.

First Person Sent to Coronavirus Quarantine in Hawai‘i

Health officials are also monitoring 26 people across the state for signs of Coronavirus. All have been to at least one part of China within the last two weeks.

Coronavirus in Hawai‘i, ‘Only a Matter of Time’

In all likelihood, officials won’t know the virus has entered the state until it’s already crossed Hawaiian borders.

Coronavirus Now a Global Health Emergency

Scientists have not determined the precise manner(s) through which the virus spreads, but fears that it is contracted more easily than previously thought have grown with the number of reported cases.
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