All Big Island Transfer Stations to Close One Day This Week
All solid waste transfer stations across the Big Island will close for the division’s quarterly safety employee training on Wednesday, April 28, the County said in a press release.
The Reload Facility, located at the South Hilo Sanitary Landfill (aka Hilo Dump) and the West Hawaiʻi Sanitary Landfill, located in Waikoloa, will continue to accept municipal solid waste during regular business hours from 7 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. daily.
The West Hawai‘i Organics Facility, East Hawai’i Organics Facility, Hilo Reuse Center and the HI-5 Redemption Center at the Hilo Transfer Station will be open for their normal business hours.
Visit the county’s solid waste website to register for notifications via email or text.