Coffee symposium for growers, agribusinesses set for March 1 in Kona
Coffee growers and agribusinesses are invited to a full day of coffee-related speakers, information and networking at the beginning of March.

The Kona Coffee Farmers Association is hosting a coffee symposium from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 1 at the Outrigger Keauhou Resort in Kona.
Leading scientists and industry experts will discuss topics such as soil health, fertilizer use, processing for quality and a host of others relevant to the issues faced by Hawai‘i coffee farms. Vendors will also be on site to share the latest information and technology.
Keynote speaker will be José Tulio González, president of the board of directors for the National Coffee Association of Guatemala (Anacafé) who is a renowned coffee producer with a family tradition in the field.
González’s experience covers fundamental aspects of agronomic management, varieties, quality and control of economically impactful pests such as coffee leaf rust. His knowledge of the strategies and policy actions implemented in Guatemala’s coffee sector will add great value to the event for those who attend.
Guatemala and Hawai‘i have a shared history through the Typica tree, which was brought to Kona from Central American nation in 1882.
It’s an event Big Island coffee growers don’t want to miss. More than 100 attended the last event.
The symposium will be in the Kaleiopapa Convention Center at the Outrigger Keauhou Resort located at 78-128 ʻEhukai St.
Kona Coffee Farmers Association members can attend for free. The cost for non-members and guests is $75, which includes lunch. Sign in begins at 8 a.m., with 100% Kona coffee available.
Advance registration is requested and can be done online.
The Kona Coffee Farmers Association will also host its annual general meeting immediately following the symposium, with an update on association activities and election of new board members.
For more information, call 808-989-4883 or email to