#rainfall totals

July was dry on the Big Island

Big Island rainfall totals for July were mostly below average, with many totals ranging from 30% to 70% of average. The Pāhoa rain gauge had its lowest July total since 2004, and area didn’t even record getting any rain last month.

Unusual late season Kona low mostly fizzles on neighbor islands, drenches O‘ahu

Last week’s storm appears to be the latest kona low to directly affect the main Hawaiian Islands in at least the past 20 years.

Kona Low eases drought conditions on Big Island, but only in the short term

Areas of extreme drought were eliminated thanks to the rainfall brought by the storm but most of the island continues to suffer from moderate drought, with severe drought still affecting areas in the interior and along a portion of the northwest coastline.

Several Big Island rain gauges break records for lowest October rainfall as drought worsens

Even the normally wet windward slopes of the Big Island were especially dry last month, with most sites posting totals at less than 20% of average.

Many Big Island rain gauges record below average rainfall totals in August

The most significant rain event for last month was Aug. 21, as the remnant moisture from what was Tropical Cyclone Fernanda moved across windward slopes of the Big Island and Maui. Automated rain gauges on the eastern side of the Big Island recorded 2 to 4 inches of rain.

Record rainfall swamps spots on Big Island in February, including 56 inches at one site

Just three Big Island rain gauges measured less than 100% of their average rainfall for February, with several spots in Kaʻū and on the windward side of the island recording rain totals up to nearly six times greater than average.

Parched: Some Parts of Big Island Broke Records For Lowest August Rainfall Totals

To say August was a dry month on the Big Island might be a slight understatement.

Persistent Trade Winds Kept Leeward Side of Big Island Mostly Dry

The windward side of the Big Island saw near to above average rainfall totals at the close of 2020 while persistent trade winds over the past couple months have kept the leeward areas mostly dry.

Rainfall Summary For November 2020

While the windward slopes of the state received ample amounts of rainfall, many of the leeward areas remained dry through November.

Big Island Rainfall About Average in September

The gage at Piihonua had the highest monthly total of 15.14 inches.