#Hunter Liftee
Honoka`a Dominates KS-Hawai`i To Win First State Girls Hoops Title
Honoka`a defeated Kamehameha-Hawai`i four times this season, including the league and state championship games.
Honoka`a Ends Championship Reign of Kamehameha-Hawai`i
The Dragons controlled the tempo, the boards, and the scoreboard to secure the KTA Super Stores / BIIF Girls Basketball Division II Championship.
Molina, Poe Stand Out in Honoka`a Tournament Victories
The Honoka`a Girls Basketball Tournament featured four state tournament teams from last season, including two state runner-up finishers (Konawaena and Honoka`a) and a state champion (Kamehameha-Hawai`i). Moloka`i also appeared in the Division II tourney.