#hilo sea level rise
REPORT: Climate Change to Cost Hawai‘i $19 Billion
In Hawaiʻi, the value of all structures and land expected to be flooded by 2100 amounts to more than $19 billion statewide.
STUDY: Hawai‘i Sea Level Rise Impacts May Double Previous Estimates
Researchers from the UH Mānoa and the Hawai‘i DLNR determined that land area in Hawai‘i vulnerable to future sea level rise may be double previous estimates.
UH Study: Low-Lying Islands Will Be Uninhabitable by Mid-Century
Rising sea levels plus wave-driven flooding will cause frequent damage to infrastructure and will irreversibly contaminate island freshwater resources by 2030 to 2060.
Documentary Follows Over 250 Top Climate Scientists
“The Arctic Expedition” followed the more than 250 top climate scientists and researchers working on the project aboard a 330-foot Coast Guard ice cutter.