#Hawaii Forest

Legacy Reforestation Initiative Plants a Half Million Native Trees

Data suggests that one tree will produce a societal benefit of $162,000.

Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation Initiative Names New Board Member

Since 2010, HLRI has reforested nearly half a million native and endemic trees on the Island of Hawai‘i and O‘ahu.

Documentary Chronicles Importance of Hawai‘i’s Native Forests

Forests for Life, a comprehensive, one-hour documentary that chronicles the life-giving importance of Hawai‘i’s native forests, is set to debut on Jan. 18.

Kamehameha Schools Issues RFP to Harvest Hāmākua Forest Lands

The school has issued an RFP to harvest a 3,000-acre plot of eucalyptus trees on Hawai‘i Island.

Citizen Foresters Honored for Kailua Efforts

The DLNR Division of Forestry and Wildlife’s (DOFAW) Kaulunani Urban and Community Forestry Program reached a major milestone on July 11, 2018.

Kamehameha Schools Closer to Finding Lessee to Oversee Hāmākua Forestry

Kamehameha Schools has moved closer to selecting a new lessee to oversee operations and harvesting of more than 10,000 acres of forest on the Hāmākua Coast.

Meeting to Explore Pu‘uwa‘awa‘a Flora

A Natural Area Reserves specialist will introduce attendees to some of Pu‘uwa‘awa‘a’s flora on Nov. 14 at the Lyman Museum.

Hawai’i Forest Legacy Program Seeks Applicants

The Hawai’i Forest Legacy Program works with private landowners and state and county agencies, as well as conservation non-profit groups, to promote sustainable, working forests in Hawai’i.