#hawaii county election
Inouye, San Buenaventura, Richards win state Senate seats representing Big Island
There are three State Senate races on the Big Island, including District 4, that pits the former Senator of District 1 Lorraine Inouye against Helen Tupai.
Two Pāhoa Polling Locations Designated Absentee Mail Precincts
Absentee ballots will be mailed to registered voters assigned to these polling places beginning June 25, 2018.
Big Island General Election Results 2016
Elections officials are projecting printouts to be released at around 8:30, 10 and 11:30 p.m…
Big Island Candidates Answer Tough Questions
Big Island Now has provided an issue-focused candidate forum based on 10 questions sent to each candidate.
Next Week: Mayoral Candidate Questionnaire Results
Big Island Now will provide an issue-focused, online forum based on a questionnaire sent to each candidate on Wednesday, Aug. 3.