#big island prison

PSD Graduates New Correctional Officers

The Department of Public Safety welcomed a new class of adult correctional officers at a graduation ceremony held at the Neal Blaisdell Center.

Complaint Filed Regarding State’s Jail, Prison Status

The ACLU asserts that Hawai‘i prisons and jails do not meet minimum standards and violate Constitutional amendment prohibiting cruel and unusual punishment.

Judge Rules for State in Lawsuit Challenging Kulani Reopening

Circuit Court Judge Glenn Hara ruled in favor of the Department of Public Safety in the lawsuit seeking to have a pu`uhonua established at the prison.

First Group of Inmates Arrives at Kulani Correctional Facility

The minimum-security prison on the slopes of Mauna Loa will eventually house 200 low-risk inmates.

Kulani Correctional Facility Reopens Its Doors

The first 25 inmates are expected to arrive at the rural, minimum-security prison later this month.

Judge Refuses Request to Block Kulani Reopening

Circuit Judge Glenn Hara today denied a motion for a preliminary injunction to stop the reopening of the “prison without walls” on the slopes of Mauna Loa.

Injunction Sought to Stop Kulani Prison Reopening

A lawsuit filed by Ohana Ho`opakele to require the establishment of a pu`uhonua at the prison on the slopes of Mauna Loa was rejected by a judge last week.

LETTER: State Inviting “Prison-Industrial Complex” to Hawaii

“Whereas the population of native Hawaiians in the state may be 23%(?), the State of Hawai`i statistics show 41% of the incarcerated are native Hawaiian.”